Friday, November 12, 2010


I'm soooo glad it's Friday. It has been such a long week and even though I won't get too much of a break this weekend it still means I'm one step closer to Thanksgiving.

This morning I took my test for Foundations of PT. It went pretty well, there were a few that I wasn't 100% on but I should still be fine. I studied embryo during my two hour break, then had two hours of lecture before lab. In lab, we de-fatted kidneys and dug out vessels and nerves. Our group left a little early as we were all ready to be done for the week.

When I left lab it had gotten gross and rainy out. I was still determined to go to Trader Joe's, so Meghan and I headed that way. I expected it to be busy for the grand opening but it was chaos. It was still really awesome and I'll definitely be returning soon when it is less chaotic. Due to the crowds, I only got a few pics. I bought some stuff to make Mulligatawny, but it was too late when I got home tonight so that's on the agenda for tomorrow.

When I got into the check-out line at Trader Joe's, I looked out the window and wanted to cry. It was snowing giant, wet flakes in a rather steady and rapid pace. I carried my groceries through the quickly accumulating mush to my car. I had to stop at Whole Foods to grab a few things I didn't find at Trader Joe's (this may have been due to the crowds, not the lack of them carrying it). In the time it took me to grab 5 things at Whole Foods my car got a nice coat of snow on it. The check-out girl told me I looked like I was prepared for this weather with my sweater, gloves, and ear warmer. I told her I was a knitter so I was always physically prepared for it but never mentally. I drove home (slowly and carefully) through a ton of snowy mush. I think no one expected it to snow so the roads hadn't been salted at all and no one was prepared to drive in it.

When I got home, I was completely unmotivated to do all the studying I had planned earlier in the day (which I'm blaming entirely on the snow and my feelings towards it). The package my mom mailed me the other day had arrived bearing not only the allergy pills that I needed, but also movies! I decided that watching How to Train Your Dragon was a much better way to spend a snowy evening. A friend had recommended it to me because she thought Toothless, the main dragon, looked just like VooDoo. I'll let you decide

I know I promised last night to do a pattern review for the socks, but I think this is enough for one night. Gotta save something for tomorrow. Hope that wherever you are it's not snowing (or if it is that you appreciate it more than me).

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